Storytime Rules

  • We welcome you to the Milltown Public Library’s children’s programs. We ask that you follow these rules when attending the programs to ensure everyone has a great time.
  • Please be on time. Children are easily distracted and late arrivals quickly become the focus of their attention.

    • Please turn all cell phones to vibrate. If you must answer your cell phone, please take the call outside the Storytime Room.

    • Please do not talk or chat with other adults once story time begins. It is hard for children to pay attention to the stories if adults are talking during storytime. Talking during storytime also demonstrates to children that storytime is unimportant and/or unworthy of attention.

    • Please remove your child from the Storytime Room if he or she becomes restless, displays aggressive behavior or begins to cry. If a child begins to talk, play, push or wander around the room, this distracts the other children from story time.