Child Care Resources

Child Care Connection

The mission of The Child Care Connection, Inc. is to promote quality child care services in our community. Through a multi-pronged approach of parent information, child care resource development, child care provider training, and advocacy, the Child Care Connection seeks to provide for the health, safety, and development of children.

Zero to Three

PBS Parents

The Public Broadcasting Service’s site with information and many recommendations for developmental as well as social endeavors.

Learning Disabilities and ADHD

LD is the world’s leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD, serving more than 200,000 parents, teachers, and other professionals each month.LD OnLine seeks to help children and adults reach their full potential by providing accurate and up-to-date information and advice about learning disabilities and ADHD. The site features hundreds of helpful articles, multimedia, monthly columns by noted experts, first person essays, children’s writing and artwork, a comprehensive resource guide, very active forums, and a Yellow Pages referral directory of professionals, schools, and products.